Legal Policy Counsel – Lynn Swanson

Lynn Swanson

Legal Policy Counsel

Lynn is legal policy counsel at yes. every kid. foundation. and brings a wide range of experience from both the public and private sector. Previously, Lynn’s legal career was primarily focused on corporate, securities and small business law. In addition, she worked for the Florida Department of Children and Families, Children’s Legal Services unit representing the interests of the state in dependency cases.

In the middle of her career, Lynn lived overseas (primarily in Australia) during which time she worked for the Commonwealth of Australia and the New South Wales government in a variety of capacities. While in Australia, she also worked as a management consultant and certified change manager.

Lynn holds a juris doctor from the University of Michigan Law School and a B.A. from Wellesley College. She is a member of the Florida and New York state bars.

The proud parent of an adult son, Lynn lives in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida where she enjoys an active lifestyle that takes advantage of all Florida has to offer.