Insights | January 21, 2025

Kansans S⁠t⁠rongly Suppor⁠t⁠ Expand⁠i⁠ng Educa⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on Freedom

A new survey by yes. every kid. foundation. shows voters in Kansas overwhelmingly want more flexibility in their children’s education and support school choice.

The survey found:

  • Strong support for school choice and more flexibility. A sizable majority (62%) of Kansas voters, including 65% of K-12 parents, support school choice, while only 23% oppose it. Additionally, 74% of voters and 80% of K-12 parents support making education more flexible for families.
  • Demand for a refundable income tax credit. Sixty-three percent of voters in the state support enacting a refundable income tax credit. K-12 parents are more supportive (76% support) of a refundable income tax credit, and seven-in-ten expressed interest in utilizing one to educate their children.
  • K-12 education is believed to be heading in the wrong direction. Only one-third of voters believe K-12 education is heading in the right direction. A plurality (36%) grade it a C on an A to F scale.

“Kansas families are hungry for more control over their children’s futures,” said Matt Frendewey, vice president, yes. every kid. foundation. “Their strong support for both school choice and a refundable income tax credit shows they want real, flexible solutions that empower them to tailor education to each child’s unique needs. Policymakers should take note because when parents have the freedom to choose what works best for their kids, everyone benefits—from students to schools to entire communities.”

Read the polling memo below. Click here to download toplines.