Funding | March 2, 2023

New poll shows major⁠i⁠⁠t⁠y of Wyom⁠i⁠ng vo⁠t⁠ers suppor⁠t⁠ Educa⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on Sav⁠i⁠ngs Accoun⁠t⁠s and end⁠i⁠ng res⁠i⁠den⁠t⁠⁠i⁠al ass⁠i⁠gnmen⁠t⁠ of publ⁠i⁠c schools

A new poll conducted by WPA Intelligence on behalf of yes. every kid. foundation. (Yes Foundation) found the majority of Wyoming voters support ending residential assignment of public schools, with 75% of respondents agreeing that all Wyoming kids should be able to attend a public school they are not zoned for.

Wyoming voters also favor implementing an Education Savings Account (ESA) program, with 56% supporting ESAs and 24% opposing. Of the 56% of Wyoming voters who indicated support for ESAs, 54% identified as Republicans, 63% as independents, and 61% as Democrats.

ESAs empower families with funding to access educational resources, such as online learning programs, private tutoring, education therapies, and other expenses.

“Every child and deserves access to an educational experience that best fits their unique skills and personality,” said Yes Foundation Executive Director Andrew Clark. “Wyomingites want education freedom for every child—not just those that live in the wealthiest neighborhoods. For too long, residential assignment of schools has created inequities in education. It’s time to let every child have access to the best schools.”

The poll was conducted by WPA Intelligence from Feb. 22–25, 2023. WPA Intelligence surveyed 518 registered voters with a margin of error of ±4.3%.