Insights | September 27, 2024

New Poll Shows S⁠t⁠rong Suppor⁠t⁠ for Expand⁠i⁠ng Educa⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on Freedom ⁠i⁠n Mon⁠t⁠ana

Montana is on the cusp of a potential education revolution. Two new polls conducted by yes. every kid. foundation. reveal overwhelming voter support for expanding education freedom across the state.

Big Sky Country families are eager for more choices, and they believe their children deserve education options tailored to their unique needs.

According to the polls, 60% of Montana voters support school choice. Meanwhile, only a quarter of voters oppose this shift.

This is driven by a widespread belief that families should have more flexibility in deciding how their children are educated—69% of voters support expanding education options.

This support reflects that many Montanans aren’t satisfied with the current state of public education. Nearly half (44%) believe K-12 education has declined over the past few years, while only 7% think it has improved. This sentiment is reflected in the GPA voters give Montana’s school system—only 34% rating it an A or B, but a notable 19% grading it a D or F.

These findings signal that Montanans are ready for a new chapter in education, where families have the freedom to choose the best path for their children.

Want to learn more? Download the full memo and poll results to see how education freedom could reshape Montana’s future.