A new survey by yes. every kid. foundation. finds that Pennsylvanians overwhelmingly believe that every child in the state deserves the opportunity to attend the public school that best meets their needs.
Additionally, most voters in the Keystone State say they would be more likely to vote for a state legislator who supported passing a law to allow all Pennsylvania children to attend any public school in the state.
To improve K-12 education in the state, two-thirds of Pennsylvanians say change is necessary, with a similar 62% saying the state should focus on rethinking how it educates students, coming up with new ways to teach children moving forward rather than trying to recreate the status quo of the past.

Strong Support for Universal Access to Public Schools
Two-thirds of voters support a law empowering children to attend any public school in the state, yet 9-in-10 (87%) support giving every child in Pennsylvania the ability to attend the public school in the state that best meets their needs.
A majority of voters (55% more likely, 20% less likely) would be more likely to vote for their legislator if they supported passing a universal open enrollment law, with support high among most demographic subgroups.

“Pennsylvanians are calling for a different approach to education,” said yes. every kid. foundation. Vice President of Strategy Matt Frendewey. “This is especially true when it comes to public school access. No longer should a student’s address, race, or family’s income prevent them from enrolling in a school that meets their needs.”
Click to read the survey memo and topline.
The survey was conducted via an online panel curated by Dynata of 800 registered voters in Pennsylvania from March 21-24, 2024. The credibility interval is +/-3.46%. Subsets based on demographics carry higher credibility intervals.