West Virginia Families Can Apply For The $4,600 Hope Scholarship Beginning March 1, 2022
YESF Executive Director, Clark: “A Banner Day for Better Education in WV”

CHARLESTON, WV – yes. every kid. foundation., an education advocacy organization, announced today that it will be supporting and promoting the West Virginia Hope Scholarship. The application is now live as of March 1, 2022. The Hope Scholarship is a new education initiative that provides every K-12 student with access to an individualized education. yes. every kid. foundation. also launched a robust digital advertising campaign to encourage eligible West Virginia students and families to apply for the Hope Scholarship program. The advertisements will appear across the Mountain State, on websites, and social media platforms. The organization lauded the beginning of the application period for the program today as a “banner day for better education in West Virginia.”
Applications for the program will be accepted through the State Treasurer’s office website beginning March 1 and ending May 15, 2022. The scholarships provide parents with up to $4,600 each school year that can be used for a variety of education-related expenses including classes or courses, tuition, tutoring, learning devices, education material and other qualified education-related expenses.
yes. every kid. foundation. Executive Director, Andrew Clark issued the following statement:
“We are very excited to launch this new campaign to get the word out about the Hope Scholarship program so that every eligible West Virginia student can apply in time for the 22-23 school year. Every West Virginia parent deserves the opportunity to provide their children with a personalized education that fits their individual learning needs and goals. Whether it is tuition, tutoring or test prep, these awards will help parents provide their children with an individualized learning experience so they can receive a quality education.”
Clark added: “The opening of the application period for the Hope Scholarship is a banner day for better education in West Virginia. State Treasurer Riley Moore and his team are to be commended for their support for and stewardship of this important program that will help give West Virginia students the tools they need to succeed.”
Background: The Hope Scholarship program was passed last year by the West Virginia legislature. The program gives eligible public school students and parents access to potentially $4,600 for each student annually to customize their learning experience. Allowable uses provided by the law include blending their learning experience between their existing public school and out-of-school experiences, such as tutoring, exam prep, and private vocational courses. Parents can use the funds to pay for a micro-school, learning pod, or other at-home learning expenses, tuition to a private school, and a number of other education expenses.